Friday, November 14, 2008


Beauty and good ethics are similar to a flower

Beauty is freshness of flower and good ethics is smell

Beauty is not permanent like the freshness of flower but good character remains like fragrance of flower remains after it dries

Flower having freshness but no smell people get attracted to it but when it dries people throw it similar to that when person have beautiful looks but bad ethics people give him/her value but when beauty is gone every thing is gone for that person

Combination of beauty and good ethics is just like a flower which has smell and freshness and when it dries out its smell remain and people use it as a bookmark.
Similarly after decline of the physical beauty people always regard the person having good character.

Sight of beautiful flowers and sight of beautiful people always refreshes your mind and sometimes you will never forget it

When you purchase flower you want it to be beautiful and fresh forever as when you own beautiful people you want them to be with you forever


Muslims and the Modern Science

We are living in the age of science and technology. We can see many wonderful inventions of science around us. Inventions like computers,cars,tv, airplanes etc are the most wonderful inventions of science. These inventions change the the way of our thinking and living. For the last five centuries all the development and progress in science is done by west. If you make the list of great scientists except Dr Abdus Salam you will find nowhere any Muslim scientist. Although the basis of physics,maths and chemistry was provided by the Muslim scientist. Why is that we weren’t able to continue that?

We are Muslims and in Quran we are directed ‘to learn’ but we are not serious about that. We are serious about other things like what is allowed and what is not allowed in Islam. What is right for us to do and what is wrong. We don’t emphasize the first word of Quran ‘to learn’. We don’t emphasize that in Sura-e -Rehman, Allah orders us to recognize him from his creations. All these main things are done by people who are not Muslims and we Muslims are stuck between Halal and Haram. There are many scientific theories and researches which were made by scientist and were in Quran,like in QuRAN about iron Allah says that it is very powerful and it was sent by Me on earth later approximately after thousand years scientist were able to discover that in iron molecules are most tightly bounded and binding energy per nucleons of iron is more than any other element describes the power of iron and iron it did not naturally exists in earth it comes from stars . Another example is Allah says in Quran that I make things in pairs. This is discover later by science that every thing in universe doesn’t exit alone everything has its anti body. There are so many example but the bottom line is that this should discover by Muslims not any other nation because it was in Quran.This means that we don’t consider the things which is written is Quran infact we consider other things as very important like what is Halal and Haram.we have made different Islams of our own. We always look forward for the life after death and don’t consider this life. Yes, I agree this life has no importance as compare to life after death but I don’t agree the fact that we spent this life in praying and praising Allah doesn’t make any contribution in this world. We should contribute in order to lift our religion and our past glory.

I think we Muslims should think about future and must learn from our past mistakes. Although we are hundred years behind from west in science and technology but we can still do wonders and can create our impact on the world. In order to do that we must educate ourselves in science and technology. We must play our part in order to make this world a better place for all the nations. We must not forget the teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah. InsAllah one day we Muslims will again conquer the world.

narrative essay

First Day At university

As we all miss school life when we enter to college life in the similar manner we miss both college and school life when entering to university life because there is no comparison of college and school life with university. My first day at university was exciting one while entering through the gate I am wearing casual outfit and no uniform!!.I remember my college days when I entered to college I used to rush towards assembly area to attend assembly but there is no concept of assembly at university. When I enter to the class there are new faces over there (same situation as in college).During break I interact with my classmates and ask their names. When I was sitting in cafeteria five senior came and welcomed me in there own style (i.e. ragging).After this I had a lunch with some money left .when my class was over I realize that college and school days are the golden days of one’s life. You cannot compare the college days with university days. My first day at university has large impact on me because I realize that professional studies are much difficult and requires great dedication whereas school and college studies if you prepare for exam just one month before you can easily pass the exam. After the first day at university I feel that now I am grown up and now I can polish whatever the skills I possess .first day at university taught me the experience of life that in life you always find new faces, new environments and new challenges. If you are the able person these challenges doesn’t affect you. First day at university is a very delightful experience.