Friday, November 14, 2008


Beauty and good ethics are similar to a flower

Beauty is freshness of flower and good ethics is smell

Beauty is not permanent like the freshness of flower but good character remains like fragrance of flower remains after it dries

Flower having freshness but no smell people get attracted to it but when it dries people throw it similar to that when person have beautiful looks but bad ethics people give him/her value but when beauty is gone every thing is gone for that person

Combination of beauty and good ethics is just like a flower which has smell and freshness and when it dries out its smell remain and people use it as a bookmark.
Similarly after decline of the physical beauty people always regard the person having good character.

Sight of beautiful flowers and sight of beautiful people always refreshes your mind and sometimes you will never forget it

When you purchase flower you want it to be beautiful and fresh forever as when you own beautiful people you want them to be with you forever