Friday, November 14, 2008

narrative essay

First Day At university

As we all miss school life when we enter to college life in the similar manner we miss both college and school life when entering to university life because there is no comparison of college and school life with university. My first day at university was exciting one while entering through the gate I am wearing casual outfit and no uniform!!.I remember my college days when I entered to college I used to rush towards assembly area to attend assembly but there is no concept of assembly at university. When I enter to the class there are new faces over there (same situation as in college).During break I interact with my classmates and ask their names. When I was sitting in cafeteria five senior came and welcomed me in there own style (i.e. ragging).After this I had a lunch with some money left .when my class was over I realize that college and school days are the golden days of one’s life. You cannot compare the college days with university days. My first day at university has large impact on me because I realize that professional studies are much difficult and requires great dedication whereas school and college studies if you prepare for exam just one month before you can easily pass the exam. After the first day at university I feel that now I am grown up and now I can polish whatever the skills I possess .first day at university taught me the experience of life that in life you always find new faces, new environments and new challenges. If you are the able person these challenges doesn’t affect you. First day at university is a very delightful experience.


Unknown said...

iMprEsSEd ME...

Ali said...

very awesome essay !

u describe ur first day ! in university....

rameez said...

it reminds me of my school n college dayss=.... nice work buddy...

saad said...

Missing School days :(

Unknown said...

g8 job. gud sebtence making...